URL http://<host>/<root>/admin


The REST API supports an admin console. Assuming a default installation, it is available at the following URLs

Java Server: http://<host>:8399/arcgis/rest/admin
.NET Server: http://<host>/arcgis/rest/admin

The REST Admin is secured so that only users of the agsadmin group have permissions to access the admin.

The admin supports two options:

Log in

Before you can use the admin console, you must log in. Use a username and password that is part of the ArcGIS Server administrators account.

Clear Cache Options

The REST API caches content pertaining to catalogs, services, maps, models, etc. Caching such content allows significant performance impovements while working with the REST API. However, you need to clear this cache when you add services, remove services, update services, or update to a new version of the REST API.

The Clear Cache Options page typically appears as below:

Clear Cache Options

Clicking "Clear Cache Now" clears the entire REST API cache. You can use this option to explicitly clear the cache immediately.

This page also allows you to configure cache clearing policies as described below:

Note that while you can set these options using the admin console at runtime as described above, you can also set these options in the configuration files when you deploy the REST API. In the Java implementation the cache policy settings can be configured with the config.cache.* properties in the file found in the WEB-INF/classes/resources folder. In the .NET implementation the cache policy settings can be configured in the cache element of the rest.config file found in the root REST Web application folder.

Services Directory Options

The Services Directory provides an HTML view of the services published using ArcGIS Server. Services Directory is enabled by default. The admin gives you the ability to disable it. Once disabled, users are not able to view the services in Services Directory. They'll receive an error message if they attempt to access the Services Directory once it has been disabled by the admin.

This option also gives you the ability to re-enable the Services Directory if it has been disabled.

The Services Directory Options page typically appears as below:

Services Directory Options

Note that while you can disable and enable the Services Directory using the admin console at runtime as described above, you can also set this option in the config files when you deploy the REST API. In the Java implementation this option can be configured by modifying the property (false by default) in the file found in the WEB-INF/classes/resources folder. In the .NET implementation it can be configured in the rest.config file found in the root REST Web application folder.