FRAMES | NO FRAMES Description | Parameters | Examples | Response
Find Address Candidates (Operation)
URL http://<geocodeservice-url>/findAddressCandidates
Parent Resource Geocode Service


The findAddressCandidates operation is performed on a geocode service resource. The result of this operation is a resource representing the list of address candidates. This resource provides information about candidates including the address, location, and score.

You can provide arguments to the findAddressCandidates operation as query parameters defined in the parameters table below.


Parameter Details
f Description: The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | kmz
<addressField1>, <addressField2>, ... Description: The various address fields accepted by the corresponding geocode service. These fields are listed in the addressFields property of the JSON representation associated geocode service resource.

Example: Suppose that addressFields of a geocode service resource includes fields with the following names: Street, City, State, and Zone. If you want to perform the findAddressCandidates operation by providing values for the Street and Zone, you do so by setting the query parameters as such: Street=380+New+York+St&Zone=92373
outFields Description: The list of fields to be included in the returned resultset. This list is a comma delimited list of field names. If you specify the shape field in the list of return fields, it is ignored. For non-intersection addresses you can specify the candidate fields from the geocode service resource. For intersection addresses you can specify the intersection candidate fields from the geocode service resource.

Example: outFields=StreetName,StreetType

Example Usage

Example 1: Geocode and address (380 New York Street, Redlands, CA 92373):

JSON Response Syntax

"candidates" : [
"address" : "<address1>",
"location" : {
<point1> },
"score" : <score1>,
"attributes" : {<fieldName1> : <value11>, <fieldName2> : <value12>}
"address" : "<address2>",
"location" : { <point2> },
"score" : <score2>,
"attributes" : {<fieldName1> : <value21>, <fieldName2> : <value22>}

JSON Response Example

"candidates" : [
"address" : "1 MASON ST",
"location" : { "x" : -122.408951, "y" : 37.783206 },
"score" : 75,
"attributes" : {"StreetName" : "MASON", "StreetType" : "ST"}
"address" : "49 MASON ST",
"location" : { "x" : -122.408986, "y" : 37.783460 },
"score" : 27,
"attributes" : {"StreetName" : "MASON", "StreetType" : "ST"}