FRAMES | NO FRAMES | Description | Parameters | Examples | Response |
URL | http://<mapservice-url>/find |
Parent Resource | Map Service |
The find operation is performed on a map service resource. The result of this operation is a find results resource. Each result includes its value, feature ID, field name, layer ID, layer name, geometry, geometry type, and attributes in the form of name-value pairs.
You can provide arguments to the find operation as query parameters as defined in the parameters table below.
Parameter | Details |
f | Description: The response format.
The default response format is html. Values: html | json |
searchText | Required Description: The search string. This is the text that is searched across the layers and the fields that the user specifies. Example: searchText=Los |
contains | Description: If false , the operation
searches for an exact match of the searchText string. An exact match is case sensitive.
Otherwise, it searches for a value that contains the searchText provided. This search is not case sensitive.
The default is true .Values: true |
false |
searchFields | Description: The names of the
fields to search. The fields are specified as a comma-separated list
of field names. If this parameter is not specified, all fields are searched. Syntax: searchFields=<fieldName1>,<fieldName2> where fieldName1,
fieldName2 are the
field names returned by the layer
resourceExample: searchFields=AREANAME,SUB_REGION |
sr | Description: The well-known ID of
the spatial reference of the output geometries. If sr is not specified,
the output geometries are returned in the spatial reference of
the map. |
layers | Required Description: The layers to perform the find operation on. The layers are specified as a comma-separated list of layer ids. Syntax: layers=<layerId1>,<layerId2> where layerId1 ,
layerId2 are the
layer ids returned by the map service
resourceExample: layers=2,4,7 |
returnGeometry | Description: If true , the resultset
includes the geometries associated with each result. The default
is true .Values: true |
false |
Example 1: Find operation that includes search text and a layer. The response is in HTML format:,2&returnGeometry=true{
"results" : [
"layerId" : <layerId1>,
"layerName" : "<layerName1>",
"displayFieldName" : "<displayFieldName1>"
"foundFieldName" : "<foundFieldName1>",
"value" : "<value1>",
"attributes" : {
"<fieldName11>" : <fieldValue11>,
"<fieldName12>" : <fieldValue12>
"geometryType" : "<geometryType1>",
"geometry" : {<geometry1>}
"layerId" : <layerId2>,
"layerName" : "<layerName2>",
"displayFieldName" : "<displayFieldName2>"
"foundFieldName" : "<foundFieldName2>",
"value" : "<value2>",
"attributes" : {
"<fieldName21>" : <fieldValue21>,
"<fieldName22>" : <fieldValue22>
"geometryType" : "<geometryType2>",
"geometry" : {<geometry2>}
"results" : [
"layerId" : 3,
"layerName" : "Cities",
"displayFieldName" : "City Name"
"foundFieldName" : "City Name",
"value" : "Joe City",
"attributes" : {
"City Name" : "Joe City",
"CLASS" : "city",
"ST" : "CA"
"geometryType" : "esriGeometryPoint",
"geometry" : { "x" : -118.375, "y" : 34.086, "spatialReference" : {"wkid" : 4326} }
"layerId" : 59,
"layerName" : "Parcel",
"displayFieldName" : "NAME"
"foundFieldName" : "NAME",
"value" : "Joe's Parcel",
"attributes" : {
"NAME" : "Parcel 649",
"SUB_REGION" : "Pacific",
"geometryType" : "esriGeometryPolygon",
"geometry" : { "spatialReference" : {"wkid" : 4326}, "rings" : [[[-118.35,32.81],[-118.42.806],[-118.511,32.892],[-118.35,32.81]]]}