FRAMES | NO FRAMES Description | Parameters | Examples | Response | Input Values
Submit GP Job (Operation)
URL http://<task-url>/submitJob
Parent Resource Task


The submitJob operation is performed on an asynchronous GP task resource. The result of this operation is a GP job resource. You can provide arguments to the submitJob operation as query parameters defined in the parameters table below.


Parameter Details
f Description: The response format. The default response format is html.

Values: html | json | kmz
<gpParameter1>, <gpParameter2>, ... Description: The various input parameters accepted by the corresponding GP task. The valid values for the input parameters are dependent on the data type of the parameter. These values are discussed in more detail below.
env:outSR Description: The well-known ID of the spatial reference of the output geometries. If env:outSR is not specified, the output geometries are in the spatial reference of the input geometries. If env:outSR is not specified and env:processSR is specified, it is in the spatial reference of the process spatial reference. For a list of valid WKID values, see Projected coordinate Systems and Geographic coordinate Systems.
env:processSR Description: The well-known ID of the spatial reference the model uses to perform geometry operations. If env:outSR is not specified, and if env:processSR is specified, the output geometries are in the spatial reference of the process spatial reference. For a list of valid WKID values, see Projected coordinate Systems and Geographic coordinate Systems.

Example Usage

With this operation, the majority of the parameters that you include in your request are dependent on the input parameter types of the geoprocessing task that you are submitting. Note that the GP execute and submit job operations share the same syntax for all input parameter types and examples of all input parameter types are discussed below.

Example 1: Submit a job to the Mailing List task for Parcel ID '1N1E34CC  -06600' within a search distance of 100 feet:
Parcel_ID=1N1E34CC  -06600&

Example 2: Submit a job to the task similar to Example 1 but request the output spatial reference to be Web Mercator (102113):
Parcel_ID=1N1E34CC  -06600&

JSON Response Syntax and Example

See the JSON Response Syntax and Examples for the GP job resource.

Input Parameter Values

As discussed above, the values provided for the input parameters are dependent on the data type of the parameter. The following examples show the input parameter syntax based on the parameter data type.

GPBoolean, GPDouble, GPLong and GPString

For the simple data types and the parameter values GPBoolean, GPDouble, GPLong and GPString, use their literal values.



The parameter value for GPLinearUnit is a JSON structure with the following fields.

{ "distance" : 345.678, "units" : "esriMiles" }

GPFeatureRecordSetLayer and GPRecordSet

The parameter value for GPFeatureRecordSetLayer and GPRecordSet is a JSON structure containing either the field "features" or the field "url".

The "features" field is an array of features. Each feature in turn contains the following fields.

Note that values for GPFeatureRecordSetLayer contain the "geometry" field while values for GPRecordSet do not.

"features" : [
"geometry" : {"x" : -104.44, "y" : 34.83},
"attributes" : {"Id" : 43, "Name" : "Feature 1"}
"geometry" : {"x" : -100.65, "y" : 33.69},
"attributes" : {"Id" : 67, "Name" : "Feature 2"}

For "schema-less" input features, those feature sets where the geometry type or spatial reference is not specified by the model publisher, you must provide the geometry type and the spatial reference in addition to the features as specified below:

"geometryType" : "esriGeometryPoint",
"spatialReference" : {"wkid" : 4326},
"features" : [
"geometry" : {"x" : -104.44, "y" : 34.83},
"attributes" : {"Id" : 43, "Name" : "Feature 1"}
"geometry" : {"x" : -100.65, "y" : 33.69},
"attributes" : {"Id" : 67, "Name" : "Feature 2"}

The geometryType can be esriGeometryPoint, esriGeometryPolyline, or esriGeometryPolygon. If the geometry type is not specified, it is assumed to be esriGeometryPoint. If the spatialReference is not specified, it is defaulted to an unknown coordinate system.

For a large set of geometries, you can specify a URL to the input geometries stored in a JSON structure in a file on a public server.

{ "url" : "http://myserver/myfeatures/afile.txt" }


The parameter value for GPDate is a JSON structure with the following fields.

{ "date" : "4/6/07", "format" : "M/d/y" }


The parameter value for GPDataFile is a JSON structure with a "url" field. The value of the "url" field is a URL to the location of the input data file.

{ "url" : "http://myserver/myfile" }

GPRasterData and GPRasterLayer

The parameter value for GPRasterData and GPRasterDataLayer data types is a JSON structure with the the following fields.

{ "url" : "http://myserver/myraster.jpg", "format" : "jpg" }